Welcome to iCalvyn.com, Your Gateway To My Knowledge.
This is my first post. I would like to share my world with all my readers. Thank for visiting here. Below is my brief profile.
Name : Lee Calvyn
Age : 23++
Location : Penang, Malaysia
Occupation : IT Officer (Hospitalities)
Hobbies : Photograph
Interested : Online, especially making money online
Email : (clickme)@icalvyn.com
Why iCalvyn.com?
iCalvyn=I am Calvyn
Why ” Your Gateway To My Knowledge”?
Knowledge or Experience, which one more important? a lot of people always said Experience! for those fresh graduate, a lot of elders will always encourage them to gain more experience. “Experience 1st, Salary 2nd” I heard before 1 philosophy on
“Knowledge more important”
Bill Gate are richer or Warrent Buffet richer?
Bill Gate use his knowledge to build Microsoft Windows wherest Warrent Buffet use his experience in investment world, both become rich man! but who is the richest
On 2014 October 4th, I manage to register Calvyn.com, and officially migrated my blog from iCalvyn.com to Calvyn.com
More update for my self, do refer to my profile About Calvyn Lee.
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