Since the domain and hosting sponsorship program from last year, more then 50 application, total 36 new domain registered, and hosting give out for FREE. Do you want to be the next?

Sadly, within this 50 application, some bloggers are not seriously in the application. I wish to make the application rate to be 100%, but some of them just send in application in, while approve, no news from them anymore. In the other hand, within the 36 registered domain, some blogger make me disappointed to them, after the domain registered, some of them are missing, some of them blog for a few months, and give up them self, so this coming year 2009 sponsorship, I would like QUOTE

Serious Blogger Only

Pre-Cerebrating, IT Engineer’s Blog 2 Year anniversary on 30 March 2009

Calling all blogspot and wordpress’s blogger!!!

Are you still using:
“” or
“” or ….

Planning own a Domain

Do you intend to own a Domain such as ““ and have more functionality and control on your blog?


If you intend to blog seriously, here is a nice program~ Domain & Hosting Sponsorship program

born to blog sponsorship program

This year, other then & sponsor you domain and hosing, We also invite another new sponsor, to sponsor for us web hosting. Domain & content will fully own by you and you need to achieve the following:


  1. You must update your blog at least twice a week.
  2. Your must build traffic, maintain at least 100 unique visitor/days at the 6th month and achieve 200 unique visitor/days after 11th month from this sponsorship program (Adjustable depend on performance)
  3. You must maintain a sponsor banner and link of sponsor on your blog
  4. Write a short story a.k.a review about this sponsorship program on your current blog (Blogspot or WordPress).
  5. Your current blog must be more than 3 month old, and 5 back link from other blog

Worry about achieving target traffic? Easy like drink water if you follow my tips

Blogger freedom:

  1. You can blog anything, except illegal stuff
  2. You can make money with this blog, allow to put ads, writen sponsor post. Make money online.
  3. You are giving the right control over your domain and hosting control panel.(cPanel) As long as fulfill above requirement.

What you get from this sponsorship program:

  1. 1 Domain Name(.Com .Net .Org)
  2. 1 GB Hosting Space
  3. 10 GB Bandwidth
  4. 1 MySQL Database (applicant can request to add on)
  5. 1 FTP (applicant can request to add on)
  6. 1 Mail Account (applicant can request to add on)
  7. Cpanel Web Hosting Control Panel

Hopefully, the above information will make your clear, if you still have any queries, kindly contact me at “ClickMe [@]” with the title “Domain and Hosting Sponsorship Program 2009

Term and Condition apply
**Sponsorship Agreement will be given to protect your benefit, domain and content ownership.

(Offer valid from 31March 2009 – 31 December 2009)

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