Examining an XBRL taxonomy [Part 1]

An XBRL taxonomy is a document or set of documents defining a specific information set that can be reported using the XBRL specification. It assigns unique tags to specific accounting elements such as gross profit or price/earnings ratio. Financial reporting...

Streamyx Student Package

Few month back I come across Streamyx student package, I was thinking to change my current plan from streamyx combo 1 to this new Streamyx cool Uni Pack. The price for this package is RM50 per month, still cheaper RM10 then my current combo 1 package. The special for...

Implementing UNIX [Part 2]

After understand on how to implementing unix part 1, currently we are look into detail on X terminals If you are running UNIX on a central high-spec computer and connecting to it from a group of less powerful terminals – as is the case with mainframe systems – you can...

Implementing UNIX [Part 1]

After get to know on how to choose Unix part 1 and part 2, now time to implement unix. Uses of UNIX You can use the UNIX operating system on a wide range of computers, from standalone home PCs to high-end network and Internet servers. Because networking has been...

Getting know about scissor lifts

Many year ago, at my housing area, the drain system is not well develop and cause flooding during heavy rain. A lot of car owner did not move their car on time, car will be damage during flood. Usually heavy rain and night, and a lot of people does now realize...
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