My Blog
Sometimes I write about my life, but most of the time, I documented whatever knowledge I might need in future or useful tips and trick to share with my fellow audience.
Getting know about scissor lifts
Many year ago, at my housing area, the drain system is not well develop and cause flooding during heavy rain. A lot of car owner did not move their car on time, car will be damage during flood. Usually heavy rain and night, and a lot of people does now realize...
Visit to Gunung Jerai
Few week back, I need to fetch mum and dad back to mum's home town, sungai petani, kedah. I have nothing much to do there, so I decide to pay a visit to Gunung Jerai with few of my friend. After putting my mum and dad at sungai petani, 5 of us, NC, David, Chan, Hooi...
Encrypting and authenticating XML data [Part 2]
After get some understanding on encrypting and authentication on xml on XML web services. Now we getting to know more about the XML signature and also some summarize of XML encrypting and authenticating. XML Signature Standard The W3C XML Signature standard provides a...
HTML standards and compliance [Part 2]
After knowing how the HTML Standard and compliance on HT (Hyper Text) and Markup, let us get more understand on tag wars, xhtml and etc. Tag wars In the early days of the Web, HTML proved to be an extremely popular authoring language. With HTML, publishing content to...
Do you use Voice Over IP?
I believe most of us are familiar with this technology, but a lot of us don't really know what is the actual term. Some said "Internet phone", some said "free call from Internet"... But the actual term is call VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) There are a lot of...
Introduction to Linux processes [Part 2]
Last month was mention about the Linux Processes on PIDs , parent and child processes and using the ps command. In this part 2, let see how the background and foreground background process work. Background and foreground processes An interactive process can run in the...
Business use GPS tracking device
Recently I am looking for GPS tracking device which install in my car for security purposes, while doing research on GPS, found that a lot of businesses started to use GPS to track their company asset such as vans, company cars, trucks, even boats and airplanes. Now a...
How to Choose Unix [Part 2]
Last month, I have come across how to choose Unix, with which UNIX to choose, commercial UNIX, and open source UNIX, lets see how the “Brands of commercial UNIX“and “Brands of open source UNIX”. Brands of commercial UNIX Some of the most famous and widely used brands...
Plan for Swimming Trip
Back to year 2000, me and my family, together with my relative when for bukit merah water park, unfortunately, wae does not actually went to the water park, we just went for jungle tracking. Few week back when we go for Gunung Jerai, my friend was suggest to visit...
Encrypting and authenticating XML data [Part 1]
To lean on advance xml, we might need to know some W3C standards to extending the XML understanding, Encrypting and authenticating on XML data is one of the XML, XHTML and Webservices that we might need to know in order to master the XML skills Using encryption and...
HTML standards and compliance [Part 1]
As you probably know, HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, the language used to create documents on the World Wide Web. It was developed during 1989 and 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau while they were both working at CERN, the European particle...
Introduction to Linux processes [Part 1]
After read some linux article, and having some basic knowledge, now can have basic understanding on linux processes, a process is a single program that is executed within its own virtual address space. For example, a shell is a process that is created each time a user...
Introduction to Solaris access control lists
When discuss about solaris security, so called Solaris access control lists (ACLs), which focusing on their purpose and structure. When file permissions aren't enough Conventional Solaris file permissions allow you to set read, write, and execute permissions to a file...
How to Choose Unix [Part 1]
While the Linux variant of UNIX is fast becoming a desktop operating system, UNIX's multiuser capabilities make it ideally suitable in a server role. When tasked as a web or database server, a properly configured UNIX system will provide unparalleled periods of...
Ubuntu Ebook Collection
When I google around some latest Ubuntu OS, found a collection of Ubuntu eBook. For those who can read eBook and fans of Open Source, this series of Ubuntu eBook is a best collection for you. Here the list of eBook List of these ebooks: Addison Wesley - Moving to...
Hatyai Klong Hair Floating Market
Before I visit hatyai, mum mention the floating market to me, which she describe almost same like bangkok's floating market, unfortunately, she never visit before as well. After visit Hatyai Klong Hair Floating Market, compare to the bangkok floating market as In my...
Muka Head Light Tower
During 2009, I manage to visit the Muka head light tower, a place which I heard a long time ago. My father used to tell me about this place, but so far don't have a chance to visit until last year. The path to muka head is same opening path as Pantai Kerachut, as you...
How to Make Money in the Information Technology Field
There was a time when the IT explosion made every Tom, Dick and Harry who knew anything about computers in demand. The dotcom bubble made things even more advantageous for the tech geeks who were now capable of making more money than they had ever dreamed of. But then...