My Blog
Sometimes I write about my life, but most of the time, I documented whatever knowledge I might need in future or useful tips and trick to share with my fellow audience.
Software Developement Tools
No matter which organization, small to medium or multi national company. when where what and how! They require tracking system on the daily progress, either customer transaction or internal management among the staff and operation process. Even for our personal life,...
Budget Langkawi Trip
I visit to Pulau Langkawi last week end, went there for 3 day 2 nite with 2 of my friend. This trip consider budget trip because the motel we rent are only RM35/night (Approximate 10USD). The motel located at kuah town, a TV, air cond, bed, cupboard, table and chair,...
Innovations in Payment Cards
The rise in e-commerce transactions and innovations in payment methods mean that faster, more secure, and more convenient payment options are available to the consumer and retailer. For example, proximity payment methods such as radio frequency identification (RFID)...
Idea is just worth 10 cent
Not much happening on my IT Engineer life lately, it seem like a bit out of topic for my blog recently. Just some small update on my so call "IT Engineer's life" here During last week end, I have travel down to Cyberjaya, attend "1st step up" seminar organize by Mdec,...
Step by Step to create a blog at
On demand by my student, who is not computer literate mostly feel difficulties to create a blog's account no matter is or, to create a blog at, you will entitle to get a free blog with a sub domain, such as...
Kanye West the R&B and Hip Hop Artist
Kanye West, every household well-known foul man nowadays. Despite the bad news been surrounding around him recently with Taylor Swift, he is actually a talented celebrity .Let start with west's family background. Kanye West came from a divorce family. His father was a...
Malaysia F1 Team vs Ferrari F1
Recently news mention that Malaysia is going to setup one F1 team to participate the World F1 Championships. Sound like great! but do you agree with what our country decide? Government invest this kind of money to build the 1 Malaysia F1 team will worth? or is a...
Evolution of Mobile Entrepreneur
1973: Martin Cooper of motorola makes the first cell phone call to a competitor at bell labs,thereby, inventing a new way of entreperneurs to talk smack to their rivals. 1983: While sitting in the parked car at solders field in chicago, Bell executive Bob Barnett...
Buy RM20 Starbucks Gift Voucher with only RM10
For our debit/credit card statement, normally it will come with some promotion broucher, and usually I just throw it away without reading much. Unfortunately today I was "free enough" to read it, and found a special part which able to attract me. Buy 1 free 1 for...
Do you know RON95 called Research Octane Number 95?
Before our government announced the news regarding replacement of RON 92 petrol with RON 95 petrol, I believed that most of us don't even know what RON is and what grade that we are using. Some of us who know a little bit about RON95, once heard of downgrading, all...
Text-processing utilities in Linux
Text processing is different than word processing. In word processing, text is edited and manipulated in a "What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get'' (WYSIWYG) environment. This enables you to produce printed copies of the text, complete with features such as graphics and...
Do you Defrag your Hard Disk Drive.
Defragmentation is a process that helps to reduce the amount of fragmentation in your file systems. Same as file fragment, disk fragments, they are created by the allocation of file in the magnetic disk. This happens when we create, delete, move, update and copy files...
Cathay Cineplex Fake Promotion Again
It has been a long week end, Saturday, Sunday and Monday due to Malaysia independent day 31th Aug fall along the week end. I was having my movie day at cinema for Saturday, Sunday and Monday with some of my friend! I manage to convince them because I able to get some...
Security considerations on Mobile IP networks
Mobile IP is becoming more important for the average consumer and for businesses. Mobile IP standards are improving, as are the services offered by service providers. Because of this, more efficient services and applications are available to mobile users. In business,...
Penang Jubliee Clock Tower
Was planning to visit fort conwallis at the pass week end, but no idea why they change their schedule, close at Sunday. A lot of tourist was asking us why in front of fort Cornwallis, and the most of them ending with "ridiculous". Since was there, we walking around...
Why Yahoo Domain still charge me?
Yahoo sell very cheap domain at $1.99, but the renew fees is killing! 3 time more the normal renew fees. Some webmaster tent to ask why yahoo domain still charge me even my domain name already transfer out? Well, it might be the bug for Yahoo Domain's System! The...
Enhancing Mobile IP
Mobile IP is a standard communications protocol, developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and designed to allow mobile-device users to move from one network to another while maintaining their permanent IP address. Mobile IP is an enhancement of the...
Bandwidth on Internet Connectivity
After getting know the router on internet connectivity, there are another Communication technologies that we need to understand was bandwidth. In analog systems, bandwidth is the difference between the highest-frequency and the lowest-frequency signal components of a...