My Blog
Sometimes I write about my life, but most of the time, I documented whatever knowledge I might need in future or useful tips and trick to share with my fellow audience.
Free MyNic Domain Name []
As a Malaysian, some of the citizen here wish to own their own Mynic domain name.Any one wish to own a MyNic Domain? is giving Free MyNic Domain Name here. Only available for 20 Blogger who review, and entitle to get a free mynic domain name....
Computer Networks
One of the primary purposes of a network is to increase productivity by linking computers and computer networks, so that people have easy access to information regardless of differences in time, place, or type of computer system. Components of a network Because...
Free $25 Google Adwords Voucher
More and more advertiser advertise online, as I know, Google adwords will be a good choice if you plan to advertise your business online... Other then Google adwords, you might consider facebook ads as well, my friend advertise there and comment that facebook ads...
Understanding disk quotas in Linux
After talk about special character on linux command last week, now let understand on disk quota here. In Linux, a system of disk quotas enables the system administrator to restrict disk usage by individuals and groups. Quotas can specify the maximum amount of total...
What is Your Dream
It has been long time I not really sit down and blog about my life... I just prepare some nice article and post at my blog time to time, such as networking (basic networking term) and some linux related article too. Two week ago Wawasan University organize their...
Router on Internet Connectivity
Many computer users focus on the technologies that operate within a single Local Area Network (LAN). Of course, there must be a way for data to be transferred between LANs, so as to create the network of computer networks that is the Internet. A router is the key...
Make Computer Faster with Registry Cleaner
Windows Registry is configuration data for Microsoft Windows operating system. This registry record is created to hold important information for our computer. If you are not familiar with how an operating system works, you probably won’t realize about these data. But,...
Free Security Application
Do you install security application at your computer? no budget to purchase can get a free application. Security is once of the main concern when you use your computer to access important website, such as checking your banking account, login your paypal account,...
Special characters on the Linux command line
Specially defined characters are essential for many of the Linux shell's powerful features, such as filename completion and command substitution. The shell interprets these characters in a different way from other, regular characters on the command line. However, if...
Network Applications
Network applications are software programs that run between different computers connected together on a network. Network applications Network applications are software programs that run between different computers connected together on a network. Some of the more...
Why use the Linux shell?
Most PC users communicate with the operating system on their machines using a graphical user interface (GUI), such as those used in Microsoft Windows 2000 or Mac OS 9. Linux has its own GUIs, most notably GNU Network Object Model Environment (GNOME) and the K Desktop...
DIY Cisco Console Cable
Do you have any idea how much a pieces of Original Cisco Console Cable? Does DIY Cisco Console Cable cheaper? According to the vendor ,the Original Cisco Console Cable worth approximate RM100 above (60USD++). Usually Cisco console cable only come with each Cisco...
Mounting Linux file systems
After talking on the Linux File Types in the previous entries, is time to learn the basic on mounting linux file systems. For the data contained on hard disks, disk partitions, network drives, and removable media to be accessed under Linux, it is necessary to attach –...
Too much DSLR at the market
I still remember about 15 years ago, people using big size cell phone, as time goes by, the cell phone design to become smaller and smaller, but few years back, cell phone again design to become bigger size again due to require bigger LCD display screen. Trend always...
Basic Networking Terminology
Computer networking, like most industries, has its own jargon, which includes technical terms, abbreviations, and acronyms. Without a good grasp of the terminology, it will be difficult to understand the concepts and processes involved in networking. The following...
Penang Blogger Law Forum
Do your blog able to bring influence to society? All the while, we have same dissatisfied with certain party, complaint on certain product and services, disagree with the decision that some authority made. but does out dissatisfy, complain, and disagree really bring...
Linux files types
Recently I come across some linux command during I login to my customer site to retrieve activity log file, and also studies some of the linux file types, and simple command to know what is the file types at Linux Operating System. Linux uses four basic file types:...
Submit Your Website to, a New Search Engine from Microsoft
Honestly, I am a traffic freak who very fever on Search Engine (SE) traffic. People said No matter black cat or white cat, as long can catch mouse is a good cat. For me, No matter is Big Search Engine or Small Search Engine, new or old, famous or non famous, as long...