My Blog
Sometimes I write about my life, but most of the time, I documented whatever knowledge I might need in future or useful tips and trick to share with my fellow audience.
Do you collect other people email address?
Normally when I receive forward email, within the email, it contains a lot email address, from who the email send from, send to how many person, and from whom again send to us. All the email at carbon copy (cc) is display from the forward email. A lot people collect...
How to Install Apache, MySQL and PHP (LAMP) on Centos
Recently my laptop was having some issue, and send to hewlett packet service center for repair. Due to no computer use, and kinda free at office, I decide to continue setup a linux base web server which is in my wish list long time ago. (As mention on free antivirus...
How to pay PTPTN Online + News for Interest Adjustment
A lot people does not know how to pay PTPTN loan Online. There are a lot of conventional method to repayment for PTPTN loan such as walk in to bank, ptptn service counter and POS office. You can check out on few method for Payback PTPTN Loan at include...
How to submit sitemap to live search webmaster center
Did you submit sitemap to microsoft webmaster tools , submit sitemap to or in the other word, submit sitemap to When people talking on search engine (SE), the most 3 top search engine on the world will be Google, Yahoo, and Msn a.k.a Microsoft...
Does Conficker Virus Fool the world
Today was 1st of April, and I was thinking today who going to fool me, no matter how this prank are, actually I don't mind. As long I can get fool with a creative way, 😀 to get some surprise on this April Fool. Unfortunately, still have few hour to end this April...
Penang Mini Motor Race
One of my friend told me there are a mini motor race at Gurney, Explanat, but without much information; After searching around, can't found much information from Internet, some said is Go-cart racing, and I was thinking should be a mini car show, or motorbike show,...
New Digi Broadband Service
Digi recently launch their new digi broadband service at 19th March 2009 which using HSPA technology (High Speed Package Access) Digi do have wireless broadband service year ago, the old digi broadband service with using EDGE technology (Enhance Data rate for GSM...
Quit Your Job, Become Full Time Blogger
A lot of blogger actually manage to make money online from their blog and quit their main job or full time job, build up a good career over blogging. Ringo also a part time blogger who can make some income, crazy on traffic hit, and plan to fire his boss. After he...
Free Antivirus for Linux Operating System getting more visitor days to days, and I wonder when my shared server unable to support my website. To enable serve my website with high traffic, I require to host my website at dedicated server or Virtual Private Server, so called VPS. Recently I read an...
Latest High Definition Television (HDTV)
As you can see the high-definition TV a.k.a HDTV below, some of the most advanced model announced at January from consumer electronics shows. Most will not ship until at least March of this year. (Left) thin and wireless, LG LHX, can connect cables to an included... Move Home
I have receive a email from the web hosting company, they inform me will migrate my website to another web server on 6th March 2009, 8pm. The reason is because this web server have "inconsistency load", and need to move my website to another web server. So far this...
How to add Msn Messenger to website
Recently I saw some website attach msn messenger into their website, just for customer service, inquiry and technical support purposes. At the same time, my client request this kind of service to be attach live messenger in their e commerce website. To enable adding...
Solid State Drive, an alternative Hard Disk Drive
When we come cross hard disk, people always ask does unbreakable hard disk exist? I do saw before unbreakable Pendrive or USB drive, but never seem before an unbreakable hard disk drive. As per our understanding, hard disk are make from a disk, with the mechanical...
Domain and Hosting Sponsorship 2009
Since the domain and hosting sponsorship program from last year, more then 50 application, total 36 new domain registered, and hosting give out for FREE. Do you want to be the next? Sadly, within this 50 application, some bloggers are not seriously in the application....
How to on Computer without Power Button
I found a person asking this question over yahoo answer, how to turn on a computer without using power button? As an IT engineer, I use this method since five years ago when I learn how to assemble a computer on my 1st career. Most people sure curious how to turn on a...
How to submit feed to Yahoo Site Explorer
After talking about How to submit sitemap to google with using google webmaster tools, do you find any special for your website? Does your traffic increase? Google bot or spider will take a few weeks up to few months to arrive at your website, if you found few...
Cisco Command Dictionary, Cisco Pedia
I am graduated as an Information System Engineer, which suppose to be a programmer at the moment, but I am not, because I was easily bored with those programming languages. In the other way, I am very interest in those short command line, such as ms-dos command line....
Small Company Balance Score Card
Other then 3 bosses, 2 sales colleague, 1 clerk a.k.a boss's secretary, and 3 technical engineer include me. My company just have 9 person. As a senior to another 2 technical engineer, I have to give them some guide and minimum supervision during each task assign by...