My Blog
Sometimes I write about my life, but most of the time, I documented whatever knowledge I might need in future or useful tips and trick to share with my fellow audience.
Happy Chinese New Year 2009
Not long ago we all wish each other "Happy New Year", every one celebrate for the beginning of Year 2009, and within the same month, now was Chinese New Year, every Chinese wish each other "Gong Xi Fa Chai" (means "wishing you enlarge your wealth") Seriously, this...
Kuala Muda Sun Set Photo Outing
I went to Kuala Muda for shooting sun set month ago, but unfortunately, the weather not nice, sun are too shy at that time, always behind the cloud. Well, last 2 week I manage to visit there again. Kuala Muda is not in Penang Island, which is located on mainland,...
How to submit sitemap to google
id you submit a sitemap to search engine before? When talk about submit a sitemap to search engine, most of the people out there will think about Google. How to submit a sitemap to Google? Again talk about my blogging experience, before I submit my sitemap to...
E-Commerce Branding
Recently I meet a china friend over a Chinese forum, which discuss on Ecshop ecommerce system. According to him, most youngster over china buy online, e-commerce is consider a new tread at China. While Malaysia, still not much Online shop, youngster here just started...
Why Hard Disk Space Not Correct
Actual Disk Space Calculation and Simple Math Disk Space Calculation!!! Which you prefer? Most of us will be very curious, why our actually hard disk space does not match with the amount of disk space when we purchase? For example our 2GB Pen drive, when we check on...
My Next Photograph Destination
1 month back when I meet a friend name Edison, he like photograph too, and have few time experience on wedding photograph. According to him, there are a place very nice for photo shooting at Penang, suitable for those pre-wedding photograph. He describe that Place...
Penang Hill Morning Shoot
We are planning to snap sun rise at Penang Hill, but unfortunately, the weather not act nice on that morning. We arrive the cable car station about 6.15am early in the morning, the 1st depart was 6.30am up to Penang Hill, so far the cable car is not full, just some...
SQL Server Command
During my academic time, I learn basic on database, I still remember some of the term right now, such as "Primary Key", "Normalization", "Normal form", bla bla bla, but not really remember how this term are. If talking on more practical, I not really learn on...
2008 is History 2009 is future
When I flash back to Year 2008, I was thinking what I have been achieve? Photography at 2008 So far not much special, just manage to own my 1st DLSR Nikon D80 beginning of the year, buy a 50mm lens (Approx RM380) at middle of the year, and my relative give me a set of...
Fort Cornwallis Penang
~Fire in the hole~ Lolz 😀 this word only can heard over the game, but I wonder does those army shout this when they fire the cannon in the pass. Few week back, my friend from Ipoh come to Penang, having 1 days penang tour, giving me an opportunities to visit the fort...
Important of Sitemap, How to create Sitemap For WordPress?
Heard before sitemap? Did you understand the importance of sitemap? and what the role of sitemap? A long time ago, when I visit some cooperate website, I always see a "sitemap" link, in that page, it shows all the website link, that time I was thinking does the...
What A Bloggiful World Group Photo
Penang Blogger Meet was great, I manage to get know some new blogger, also those blogger who I known but never face to face meet before. I have snap a many times during this moment all blogger gather for group photo, to see all the picture (Approximate 13s), you can...
End of Domain and Hosting Sponsorship Program
Thank for those who participate in my "Domain and Hosting Sponsorshop Program" which organize at the beginning of the year, celebrating 1-year anniversary. This program is not a blog contest, unlike some blogger out there, organize a blog contest, giving...
How to Recover Password for Cisco Router
While a network administrator forgot the password over the cisco router or switch, you need to reset password for cisco router or recover password for cisco router, this is a common mistaken for a Network Administrator, always forgot the password if long time did not...
Calculate Subnet Mask and VLSM
How to calculate Subnet mask, Calculate Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM) Few week back I face one confusion when one of our client require to increase their company computer from 200 to 1000's PC, in the near future. They require to change the subnet mask in all...
Stack The Memory To The Sky with lyric
There are a few big LCD, about 40"+ inch hanging around a few corner on Seagate Factory, while my company project over the Seagate factory few days ago, realize that the LCD always repeat this new video, kinda nice, and also found that this video is come from a group...
Who hosted same server with your domain
Back to last year October 2007, I have show before a website name MyIPNeighbors, which you can check whom hosted same server with your domain, or how many domains in a server. This year let me introduce another tool which allow you to check who hosted the same server...
Packet Tracer Video Tutorial [Part 3]
After watching the Packet Tracer video tutorial about "What If" and "Visualization" on Packet Tracer Video Tutorial Part 1; also "Troubleshooting on Packet Tracer" and "Using Packet Tracer in Presentation" on Packet Tracer Video Tutorial Part 2, this Part 3 video...