Quiz after attending Calculate Total Power Requirement for Datacenter
Q1. When confronted with the challenge of determining both current and future power requirements, data center managers often over size their power requirements by as much as 70%
Q2. No matter what the actual physical infrastructure system design configuration is, the core issue will be to provide sufficient power to the critical load while keeping that critical load cool enough to operate, without experiencing downtime. True
Q3. Studies indicate that the nameplate rating of most IT devices is well in excess of the actual running load by a factor of at least 33%
Q4. This is a simple formula for estimating average lighting consumption. 2 Watts per square foot or 21.5 watts per square meter
Q5. Air conditioning loads, require high starting currents and can impose Harmonic currents on a generator that may impact its ability to supply the power needed.
Q6. To derive the UPS load, you need to know the existing load, future load and inefficiency factor for the UPS & UPS battery charging. True
Q7. IT “refreshes”—where new, more powerful and efficient devices are installed in the data center will typically occur at a minimum on every three year time cycle.
Q8. When calculating critical loads, if the wattage is not listed on the device, it can be determined by dividing the incoming current in Watts by the amps of the device to get the VA or volt-amps. False
Q9. Some popular availability configurations, from a power and cooling perspective, include which of the following? N, N+1, 2N
Q10. The critical load includes: servers, routers, computers, storage devices, telecommunications equipment, etcetera, as well as the security systems, fire and monitoring systems that protect them. These items are known as the IT hardware components that make up the IT business architecture. True