A lot people does not know how to pay PTPTN loan Online. There are a lot of conventional method to repayment for PTPTN loan such as walk in to bank, ptptn service counter and POS office. You can check out on few method for Payback PTPTN Loan at imDavidLee.com include payback via EPF withdrawl, and salary reduction.

How to Payback PTPTN loan Online?

My self prefer every thing “E” (Electronically), even register business name online, I also fully done it all over the internet without stepping into the SSM (Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia, business name registration agency).

You can always check your PTPTN loan statement online at www.PTPTN.gov.my, login with your ID, and you will found the detail over there.

1. Access www.PTPTN.gov.my, click on “Semak Penyata” at the right.

ptptn website

2.Login with your IC number and pin number (You can get your pin number while PTPTN send you the statement to your mailing address)

PTPTN login page

3.Key in the amount you want to pay, eg. RM800, and hit “bayar” You will using MEPS FPX Service to pay your PTPTN loan online.

PTPTN payment

4. It will bring you to mepsfpx.com.my to choose which bank you prefer, remember to disable your browser pop up blocker before proceed. After select the bank, tick the “agree term and condition” and hit “proceed”. You can choose bank island, cimb bank, hong leong bank, maybank2u, publicbank or RHB bank to pay PTPTN loan online.

PTPTN bank list

5. In this case, I am using public bank to pay my PTPTN loan online, it will bring me to public bank login page. Login as usual.

public bank login page

6.Request Pac number as usual like we want to send money to any 3rd party account.

7. Wait for short messages from your cell phone, it will show your pac number over there, once receive, hit “next”, and key in your PAC number, follow the instruction, the payment will be proceed.

8. After the PTPTN loan payment done, you can print the receipt from mepsfps website too, summary will be shows as:

9. After this, the PTPTN page also will show you a summary, you can print as record too.

All the process above are very simple, also the transaction charges is RM0.50 only, unlike walk in PTPTN load payment at bank or others method which charge more then RM0.50.

Additional Information about PTPTN loan

When people said PTPTN suck blood, PTPNT cheat, you might be not really understand how the process for PTPTN loan. Some said PTPTN loan just like car loan or house loan, no matter how fast you paid them, interest you are unable to avoid, well, this statement is wrong. Some said the admin fees is 3%, interest is 3%, and total up you are actually paying to a blood sucker, well,this statement is wrong too.

Base on above picture, my total loan is RM33,000, start payback PTPTN loan on November 2007, each month charges RM80 is base on the 3% from RM33,000(November and December), no admin fees, no extra charges. Just purely 3% interest rate.

For example, suddenly I win lottery, and payback PTPTN loan RM33,000 within after I study (before November 2007), which mean I does not require to paid any extra charges/interest.

PTPTN reduce interest to 1% since June 2008, Old borrower should know this

While middle of last year, june 2008, PTPTN announce that the PTPTN loan interest rate reduce from 3% to 1%, for old borrower will receive a new loan agreement start from January 2009. But until today, I never receive any new PTPTN loan agreement, also the fees charges every month does not reduce, still 3%. WTF!

I have call up to PTPTN and check, according to the officer, the New PTPTN loan agreement will be send to old borrower by this year, can’t promise when, but within this year. After that, they will do adjustment to our account too, which mean start from June 2008, until now, they charge us 3%, they will adjust, and rebate us 2% from June 2008 until today.


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