While a network administrator forgot the password over the cisco router or switch, you need to reset password for cisco router or recover password for cisco router, this is a common mistaken for a Network Administrator, always forgot the password if long time did not do configuration for the cisco router. how to reset cisco router password? if you forgot the password to login cisco router?

% Bad secrets

Router>show version
Cisco IOS Software, 2800 Software (C2800NM-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.4(15)T1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 18-Jul-07 06:21 by pt_rel_team

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.1(3r)T2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 2000 by cisco Systems, Inc.

System returned to ROM by power-on
System image file is “c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T1.bin”

This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.

A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:

If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to

cisco 2811 (MPC860) processor (revision 0x200) with 60416K/5120K bytes of memory
Processor board ID JAD05190MTZ (4292891495)
M860 processor: part number 0, mask 49
2 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
239K bytes of NVRAM.
62720K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)

Configuration register is 0x2102


Just remember the current cisco router register number “2102“, after that, on and off your cisco router, press crtl + backspace + break to enter the NVram

Self decompressing the image :
monitor: command “boot” aborted due to user interrupt
rommon 1 > confreg 2142
rommon 2 > reset
System Bootstrap, Version 12.1(3r)T2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 2000 by cisco Systems, Inc.
cisco 2811 (MPC860) processor (revision 0x200) with 60416K/5120K bytes of memory

Self decompressing the image :

What is Rommon? it stand for ROM Monitor, we require to enter rommon to change the register number, when you enter rommon 1> follow above code in bold, type in confreg 2142, After that type in “reset” or reboot the cisco router, once reboot you are actually enter the router which the register number is 2142 you can just set the password exactly same with cisco router basic configuration step

Router#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#ena password newpass
Router(config)#ena secret newsec
Router(config)#config-register ox2102
Router#sh ver
Cisco IOS Software, 2800 Software (C2800NM-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.4(15)T1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 18-Jul-07 06:21 by pt_rel_team

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.1(3r)T2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 2000 by cisco Systems, Inc.

System returned to ROM by power-on
System image file is “c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T1.bin”

This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.

A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:

If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to

cisco 2811 (MPC860) processor (revision 0x200) with 60416K/5120K bytes of memory
Processor board ID JAD05190MTZ (4292891495)
M860 processor: part number 0, mask 49
2 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
239K bytes of NVRAM.
62720K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)

Configuration register is 0x2142 (will be 0x2102 at next reload)

Router#copy run start
Destination filename [startup-config]?
Building configuration…

Reload mean reboot the router, after reboot the router, you can access with the new password already. This is how we reset cisco router password, some said hack cisco router login password , but this is the correct way to recover password for cisco router.

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