id you submit a sitemap to search engine before? When talk about submit a sitemap to search engine, most of the people out there will think about Google. How to submit a sitemap to Google?

Again talk about my blogging experience, before I submit my sitemap to, my daily visitor was about 50 per days, after submitting the sitemap, my website visitor increase to 100 for the particular month after Google come to index my website 3 times at that month.

To submit your sitemap to Google, you require to access the Google webmaster tools website

  1. Access (Google Webmaster Tools)
  2. Create an account, fill up all the related information
  3. After finish create, check your email for verification link, once finish, log in your account

You are required to add a site (Your website address) to Google webmaster tools, after add in your website URL, you require to make a verification either add a code to META or upload a HTML file to your web hosting.

The following step will need to verify your website, select your desire step, click on “verify your site

In this case, I choose to verify my website from uploading a HTML file, after this, the system will provide you something like :


To create this HTML file, Open a notepad, save a file as “google4aea1c4xx9e7bb7b.html

Upload this file to your main directory at your web hosting by using your FTP software, so that it able to view at

After upload, click the “verify” button.

Once successful verify, you can now go to the sitemap on the left sidebar

Key in your full sitemap and click”submit sitemap

Done, you have already submitted your sitemap to Google Search Engine, Google’s bot or spider will come to crawl your sitemap shortly, it takes up to few weeks or few month time base on Google schedule.

Tips : As my experience, no need rush to submit your sitemap (Still you can submit) if your website is very new without much content, just imagine google bot just like human, when visiting your website, without much content to index, I don’t think the bot will be happy and come back again in the short time… Make sense?

If you did not create a sitemap for your blog, maybe you can refer to How to create sitemap for WordPress. Submit to Google is just one of the largest search engine in the world, How about MSN and Yahoo?… I will talk about how to submit feed URL to and How to submit sitemap to soon.

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