Back to my previous post: Online send free SMS. There was no problem on the 1st and 2nd day after sign up, just having a problem when i sending a SMS on the following days.
When i send a message, it shows “recipient must be Mobik number”, it seen to be not “unlimited free SMS”. This make no sense for the “Free SMS” word at that website. It is bull shit?
Tips and Trick for Mobik free SMS…
Thank for my college S.K.LEE, who give me a tips and trick for this Mobik SMS, but it is literbit troblesome, it take few step to send a REALY “free SMS”. No choise, save money what?
3 stepS… free SMS…
1step: Go to the setting
2nd step: Goto Personel Info, change the mobile phone number to the recipient mobile number, change the carrier setting as well, save it.
3rd step: Finishing! Key in the recipient number and type the message, then send it.
My 2 cent:
That all for the few step tips and trick, but the purpose of Mobik doing this also need to ensure alot of people sign up ask mobik user, so encourage your friend to sign up 1, so that their number are mobik user, and u won’t need to do this extra 3 step any more. My advice is “GIVE AND TAKE”, help them promote and use their service.
please help me to digg it if you feel this article good and helpful. if you don;t have account, just sign up 1. it is free
nice trick, dude. Never think of it
THANKSS! really great idea… cunning one.. how come i didn’t thought of it before.. wahahhaha. thanks pal
Ahaaa.. Thanxs bro it works!!!
Welcome!!!… Soon will have more good stuff at my post…Stay tune!
need help here…
i sign-up with mobik at early of this year, before it upgrade to new mobik(current mobik).
now, i cant login, is anybody out there can solve my problem…?
when i try to login, the error msg shows “invalid phone number”. i type in with country code, n tried without country code, the same problem appear…
the only way i can do to resolve this problem is to buy a new number, i guess?
Maxhardy > May be u should email mobik on this issue, some time is their website error, my friend also encounter this problem before…