Do your blog able to bring influence to society?
All the while, we have same dissatisfied with certain party, complaint on certain product and services, disagree with the decision that some authority made. but does out dissatisfy, complain, and disagree really bring the thing better?
Like my case, I do not satisfy with my apartment’s management, because they never do their job, but does complain really help?
Yesterday when I come back from the mainland, the road to town (so call jelutong “highway“) was fcuking JAM from the bridge. Stuck there about 45 minute only know what happens in front. Is because of our CEPAT, MESRA dan BETUL are “hardworking” doing blocking at there? We don’t what they blocking for, citizen are very dissatisfied with their “CEPAT, MESRA dan BETUL” and what can we do?
Same case during Chinese New Year, during the PEAK hour, they blocking the road in front of CHUNG LING HIGH SCHOOL, and make the traffic JAM along the Air Itam road and from FALIM. With their “hardworking“, bring suffer to the citizen. What can we do?
A lot cases that happening on me which I do not have the power make it better, just like I for to buy XMAS present to the legal thief and I get a summon from ‘CEPAT, MESRA dan BETUL“ when I park at a legal parking area few year back.
If I am a blogger, whom can bring influence to the society, I really want to represent all the citizen voice out our dissatisfaction on the blog. Not to say ANTI certain party, just would like to take back out RIGHT and hope to make thing better.
Month ago when I blog about Cathay Cineplex Scam Promotion, I have bring up this issue to their head office at Singapore and end up I get back my right with Free Movie Ticket from Cathay Cinema. I guess because I blog about how bad their promotion was, so it brings back what I deserve to get.
If we do not know the correct way to voice out, it might bring a big trouble for us, end up might go in to the jail or prison if we do not know what should be said and what should not say
Next week end has a Blogger Law Forum at Penang USM, these are good opportunities for all the blogger who want to voice out the truth without a fall into the mud. If you want to know your right as blogger, this Bloggers Law forum are free, organize at University Sains Malaysia (USM).
I will be there and find out what is a blogger right! Hope to make some different to the society.
So, any blogger with me, see you there. More information than you can get it from’s Blog
Registration: The admission to this Forum is FREE. However, because of limited seat, please R.S.V.P by sending your details (Name, Tel, Email, Occupation and Company/School) to [email protected] before 24 June 2009 or call 03-2782 5399 for more information.
Hi Calvin,
Thank you for informing your readers about the eLawyer – Exabytes Penang Bloggers and Law Forum.
We still have many seats available. For those who is interested to attend, please R.S.V.P by sending according to be below manner. Admission is FREE.
Registration: The admission to this Forum is FREE. However, due to limited seat, please R.S.V.P by sending your details (Name, Tel, Email, Occupation and Company/School) to [email protected] before 24 June 2009 or call 03-2782 5399 for more information.
I think this forum would be very useful, as most blogger doesn’t know the real “right” given to them. Do’s and Don’t…that’s the point :p
i will go to meet up on that try to grab this chance to meet up with me cos imDavidLee seldom appear one
imDavidLee > I should grab this chance to meet you hor… remember to signature at my face
Hi Calvyn, u r going rite??
sadly, i m not in penang, cant attend, take note what’s important larr, i may ask about it someday later…
thx!! ^ ^
we can complain for ppl’s products/services but cannot say ppl cheat or spread rumor.
I ever complained:
1) Streamyx until i built up one petition website to fight with them and then masuk newspaper
2) Mobile Money & HLB.. until Bank Negara Malaysia want them to explain why this and that.
so calvyn, dun forget to blog it out.. i cant go penang la…
As bloggers, we should know what our rights..anyone joined this program?How it goes?
Sunita Kaur Sandhu, of (Mssr)Tetuan Ajmer, Sandhu & Ong, 89 Bishop Street (1st Floor), 10200 Penang, Malaysia is a corrupt lawyer and is currently under investigation of allerged criminal breach of trust, bribery and fraudulent claims. Avoid them at all cost. Finally the law is catching up with them. There are many bad Malaysian Lawyer, this is one of the established ones with a network of branches. She is known to take bribes and wreck her own clients cases. I old avoid the “dark skinned” lawyers if I were you. Lately in Malaysia, an indian lawyer murdered 8 people, a few whom are his clients. Just type ” Malaysia + lawyer + murder + solilawati ” and prepared to be shocked! It shocked the world. As for Sunita, we are not surprised if she gets the Best Malaysian Female Crook Lawyer of the year award. Accident Victims stay away from this smilling Piranha. Their agent is always at The Penang General Hospital looking for victims – Wicked Shameless Benggali Bitch!