Below are the Google Analytic result that I obtain today, with the current result, it only shows 4th march as final, and for 5th march, the result are not yet final, possible will have more.
I was too excited to show you all, the power of, and the power of the stumble exchange program.
2 days ago, I was writing about DreamHost web hosting, I have discover this topic, and submit to the for the stumble exchange… I make about 10 stumble exchange first, after saw all the stumble finish(within and hour), I submit another 10 stumble, all done it within 5 hours after discover.
As per stumbleUdon website mention
For maximum results, the URL must be new to StumbleUpon.
Which means: it was “discovered” within the last few hours and has not received any stumbles.
A fresh URL with 20 stumbles will perform better than an old URL with 50 stumbles.
I have follow their algorithms, and gain the above traffic result. But this traffic does mean will be permanent, 🙁 if your article are not good enough, and no other visitor stumble it, Possiblilty your article to be appear are less when million of user click out there.
just for update, the final amountfor 5th Mar is 475
Awesome… I will follow your foot step, 🙂
Good. Can we make friends in Stumbleupon?
stumble algorithm is always better then digg. Digg have no traffic at all 🙁
erm.. your article there wrote April not March -.-
erm.. Seems like StumbleUpon drive traffics to your blog.. congratz 😀
you can h ttp://
to join that calvyn is talking about 🙂
don’t be so stupid!!!
unethical behavior are not allow on Internet
Kitkat >
Sure, add me at
vickie >
Ops, my mistake, thank for correction 🙂
wow, u were right, DAP really win a lot… hope they do a better job with power now XD
I tried StumbleUpon last time. It did bring some traffic but you need to do a lot of work.
I did not SU anymore. I use my time to write better post. 🙂
Ichitaka >
Haha, you comment in the wrong topic ooo
Jayce >
Ya, you are right, write a beter content. I use SU to show my content to the whole world… not bad with using stumble exchange service, attract a lot traffic too… you should have a try too… 🙂
I’ve experienced good traffic from StumbleUpon too. The effect will be much better if a top Stumbler stumbled your page.
I don’t use SU or Digg much for niche blogs,but for some offbeat stuffs they are ok.
Shaan >
are you sure? niche topic only have people interested to read, offbeat stuffs have people interested?
i am using piqqus and i got invited by calvyn.
i wrote an article how to watch high quality videos on youtube and spend my 40 points on piqqus for my new article. and my article was liked by 60 different stumble users. and first day i got 14K unique visitors. next day i got 25K and still get traffic like 5K daily 10 days after i wrote that article 🙂
tema indir >
Great to see this, so far my result did not his that much, max i get about 3k hits only… really hope can reach the figure you mention