The digital advertising landscape is undergoing major changes that will impact how brands connect with their most valued customers. With Chrome announcing plans to deprecate third-party cookies by 2024, marketers need strategies to maintain effective re-engagement campaigns in this new environment.

In this post, we will explore how Google is developing privacy-focused solutions for their ad platforms to support audience targeting and measurement after third-party cookies go away. By leveraging strategies like first-party data activation, integration with the Privacy Sandbox API, and AI-powered optimization, advertisers can continue reaching high-value users amid the post-cookie future.

Remarketing Without Third-Party Cookies

The first key question is: will remarketing still be possible without third-party cookies? While cookies have enabled brands to track users and serve ads based on previous site activity, new privacy-centric alternatives must now be adopted. As Radhika Mani, Product Manager at Google, explains:

“In a future without third party cookies, marketers will need to adopt more durable audience strategies. That’s why we’re building solutions to help you achieve your re-engagement goals while protecting people’s privacy.”

One of the core durable strategies that can be implemented today is first-party data activation. Solutions like Customer Match, allowing brands to onboard their customer lists for targeting in Search, YouTube, Shopping and Display campaigns, provide a privacy-first path to remarketing. Integrations like PAIR in Display & Video 360 also help connect with high-value audiences across channels.

Protected Audience API for Privacy-Preserving Re-Engagement

To enable ongoing audience targeting once third-party cookies are phased out, Google is integrating the Protected Audience API (previously known as FLEDGE) into their platforms. As Mani states:

“And to prepare for a future without third-party cookies, we are also integrating the Protected Audience API from the Privacy Sandbox into our ad platforms. With privacy-preserving techniques from the API we’ll continue helping you re-engage or exclude audiences.”

The Protected Audience API allows creating lists based on past website visits without relying on third-party cookie tracking, using thresholds and shorter durations to maintain privacy. Importantly, it blocks pervasive tracking like fingerprinting.

How will this API integration work within Google’s platforms?

Mani explains:

“Our ad platforms as integrations with the Protected Audience API will allow you to create audience lists based on past visits to your website, or certain product pages, without relying on third party cookies.”

The goal is to minimize workflow disruption, allowing advertisers to build and activate audiences like before. The privacy techniques will be applied in the background to enable ongoing re-engagement at scale.

Leveraging AI Optimization to Drive Performance

Marketers are understandably concerned about how the loss of third-party cookies could impact campaign performance. With more unknowns throughout the customer journey, results may be affected. However, Mani emphasizes new opportunities to optimize:

“But don’t worry, that’s where Google AI-powered solutions like Smart Bidding, Optimized Targeting, and Performance Max can help you meet your performance goals.”

For example, Smart Bidding leverages billions of signals at auction time to make more accurate bid predictions. Optimized Targeting uses AI to extend audience targeting to likely converters. And Performance Max optimizes across channels to boost campaign ROIs.

On average, Google reports advertisers see a 50% increase in Display conversions with Optimized Targeting, and over 20% more conversions with Performance Max at the same or lower cost. Tapping into these AI capabilities will be key to driving post-cookie results.

Steps to Prepare for the Post-Cookie Future

Given the scale of the changes ahead, preparation is crucial. Google recommends three core steps advertisers should take now:

  1. Adopt AI-powered solutions like Smart Bidding and Optimized Targeting to maintain relevance in reaching high-value users.
  2. Upgrade Display campaigns to Performance Max, or enable Enhanced Automation for DV360.
  3. Implement Google tags according to platform best practices to support existing audience targeting.

By leveraging first-party data strategies, new privacy-focused APIs, and AI optimization, Google is developing effective solutions for audience re-engagement even after third-party cookies are gone. With some preparation, advertisers can continue connecting with their most valued customers amid the shifting industry landscape.


As third-party cookies are phased out by 2024, the ad industry is rapidly adapting to build more privacy-centric strategies for remarketing and audience targeting. Google is at the forefront of developing solutions for their advertising platforms that will allow brands to achieve their re-engagement goals in the post-cookie future.

By focusing on first-party data activation, integrating new APIs like the Protected Audience solution, and tapping into AI-powered optimization tools, marketers can reach high-value users while respecting privacy boundaries. With some preparation and testing of new approaches, advertisers can build durable remarketing capabilities even without third-party cookies.

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