I have mention before on the How to use LogMeIn with provide the step by step user guide to my reader. Due to a lot step needed, my client/reader still have some problem to follow the instruction. I still need a lot of effort to guide them deploy the software and remote access to their computer for troubleshooting.

Recently I found another alternative remote control software which name TeamViewer. This software really very EASY to use. For those (Technical Person) who fail to use this software, I will rudely call you as stupid, and better pack your back and go back to jungle.

How to use TeamViewer?
This remote control software just require few step, both remote control and destination workstation require to have this software. I always provide my client this link www.calvyn.com/software/tv.exe only or you may download from TeamViewer Website.

Step 1: Run the remote control software without Install
Execute this exe file, you will have this screen shoot, choose RUN if you does not want to install it into your local computer. This is the advantage of this software which does not require to install the remote control software in your computer.

Step 2: Agree the Term and License Agreement
This software is free for private use, if you use for commercial or business purpose, you require to paid for the license.

Step 3: Start to use
With about 3 click, You can start use this remote control software already.

If you are the remote control workstation (Technical Support), request ID and password (left) from your destination workstation. Then key in the ID and password on “create session” section (right), and hit connect.

If you are destination workstation (Client), provide the ID and Password (left) to your technical support, so that they have the authority to enter your workstation.

Password Require for remote control workstation to access destination workstation

After finish all this step, remote control workstation will have full control on destination workstation. So does you able to follow? If can’t pack your thing please.

Few benefit that I like for this software

Zero Configuration – Mostly we face on remote access software is to configure the ports, NAT (Network Access translation) routing issue for local IP addresses also firewall blocked.

Installation less – Without install any software, just run the application at the both end, and get connected.

File Transfer – The remote control able to transfer file from or to the destination with just few click. Below are the screen shoot in the destination PC. Remote control workstation have send in a file name ROI.doc into the destination workstation, and also retrieve a file name TeamViewer_Benchmark.xls back to own workstation.

Destination may close the session any time if the remote control try to access the destination file without any permission, mean that the client can see which file the technical support access, if without any permission, client can terminate the file transfer session any time.

Presentation for client – Normal remote access software such as RealVNC or LogMeIn did not provide this feature, you can actually send your screen to your client for presentation purpose.

High Security – This software use the technology which same security standard used by https/SSL, completely secure data channels with key exchange and AES (256 Bit) session encoding.

Disadvantage – The only disadvantage of this software I found is constantly pop up this message, it is very annoying 🙁

Since this software are so useful, I have email TeamViewer asking for any reseller/affiliate program of this remote access software, they do have partners program, but only available for their existing customer. Once become their partners, you will get a coupon code, new customer use your coupon code, will entitle to get 3% discount. When you refer a customer to them you will get 10% commission from the customer purchase.

I have request to join their program, but they are not allow, because I am not their existing customer. In my opinion, they should open this reseller/affiliate program to the public. May be their management not understand the power of blogging, I believe they will gain more sales and revenue if tech blogger try to promote their product at their blog.

Since I have not much benefit from them, so forget about it, any one need this remote control software, just use the free version will do 🙂 Enjoy~

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