Today, as usual, i am browsing thought some blogger friend’s blog, and i found an post from imin – rainbowmin show that The Orient’s Voice are apear in news paper, after that i zoom in to see the date, it was 25th Monday, that mean yesterday.

Imediately i went to my company business centre look for yesterday paper, there was quite interesting article there

After read the article from the star, i found that Malaysia have 100K of bloggers and there was only 3200 bloggers register with Nuffnang, i am once of those~

My 2 cent: 
 There was only few percent of blogger are actually making money from blog, and i wish to become once of this few person. Soon… and QUIT my job is the main purpose. (IT Officer was no life, mid nite need to come back, holiday need to drop in few hour, no claim, no OT…)

Type of blogger
There was few type of blogger out there, 

  • 1st type of blogger will said “i am not blog because of money, just interest” and 
  • 2nd type will said “i aim to earn money from blog” and
  • 3rd type will be “Earn some cash to cover my domain and hosting”…

I would like to be the 2nd type (I am not shy to tell people i am type 2). but really halfway blog, i feel nice and already be my daily task, and all the blogger activities also very enjoyable, hope to have next event soon….ASAP la… 

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